Transmissions: Quilts with Trans People > Quilts By

In this branch of the Transmissions project, we share knowledge around quilt-making as a skill and historic community-based practice. We've taught a number of queer youth workshops, including those at Berkeley's Pacific Center for Human Growth and The Athenian School's summer queer camp, that are explicitly about passing on quilting knowledge to young people. These have resulted in community quilts that then are either owned by the group or in some cases raffled for fundraisers. Quilting has a rich history of supporting movements for justice, and we embed that in our workshops and quilts as we go.

We are currently expanding this branch to offer long-form support groups for trans young people to make a quilt that they take home for themselves. These groups will explore practices like block-printing, spray painting, hand-sewing, cyanotyping and hand-dyeing. They will culminate in quilt objects that are completed by the youth and their care networks. This branch is being developed by Kay Guyer and Cordy Joan with a handful of other local trans collaborators.