Transmissions: Quilts with Trans People > Quilts For

In this wing of Transmissions, we make quilts for trans people. It starts with a selection process during which a call is put out for people to nominate a trans person in their life who might benefit from a quilt. We then begin with a creative intake interview in which we get to know the person selected to receive the object. Next, we employ a range of art-making practices including block printing, movement, spray painting, embroidering and cyanotyping to make the quilt. This approach allows us to tap into networks of other trans artists - community of the recipient or community of ours - to add elements to this collaborative object. Finally, we come together in a traditional quilting bee setting to complete the quilt. Quilting bees have a long lineage of being spaces for women and gender-expanded people to come together to work with their hands, be in dialogue and thereby strengthen community ties. By completing these quilts together, we are able to physically honor the support network that exists around the quilt recipient, imbuing the object with that care before we deliver it.
